ZBA/PC Public Hearing

Meeting Agenda

Legal Notice

Meeting Summary:

The Village of Wadsworth is proposing to amend its Zoning Code to permit the keeping of hens (not roosters) upon residential lots within the SE, SR and SD Residential Zoning Districts that are less than five (5) acres in size (less than 200,000 square feet).  As it stands now, farm animals are permitted upon lots within said zoning districts that are greater than 200,000 square feet in size.

The proposed text amendments only apply to lots in said residential zoning districts that are less than 200,000 square feet in size.  No other farm animals would be permitted aside from hens on such lots.

Below please find a link that will take you to a PDF file that contains the draft text amendments.  If you wish to offer public comment, you may email same to Village Administrator Moses Amidei at info@villageofwadsworth.org.

Update: Following the April 23, 2019 Public Hearing, below is a link to the recommended draft by the ZBA/PC.  The Wadsworth Village Board will consider the ZBA/PC's recommendation at their meeting on May 7, 2019.


Official Website of Wadsworth, Illinois